Social Media for the Summer Season

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the AAA company and this is for solely educational purposes.

The summer months are quickly approaching, and now is the time for brands to begin preparing for the excitement and warm feelings associated with summer. Since so many travel companies get the most business during this time of year, this week I was assigned to select a company within the travel industry and create new social media graphics for them to use. My family is a big fan of the American Automobile Association, so I chose them for my campaign.

AAA began as a company with “the purpose of lobbying for driver and passenger rights, fair laws and safer vehicles — all to better promote the love of the open road and the adventure of driving.” Since then, AAA has expanded to also provide roadside assistance, insurance and travel accommodations for members. I wanted to focus my campaign on the travel aspect of their company, encouraging members to use AAA’s services to plan a summer trip.

I created three Facebook cover photos that the company could alternate between throughout the summer months. On the company’s website, you can find the slogan “Expect Something More.” I wanted to incorporate this into my designs and portray a variety of environments where members could vacation to. I also wanted to evoke emotion, creating a desire for travel.




Along with the cover photos, the rest of the Facebook page must also convey the same feel. The profile image should be kept as the simple logo, but posts should pertain to summer travel. The brand could highlight weekly travel spots to promote their deals, keeping with the “expect ______.” theme.

Bringing this idea over to Twitter, I also created a cover photo for the company’s profile. Though their Twitter is primarily focused around driving news and facts, the company could use this image if they decided to change their focus for the summer.


AAA has a presence on most forms of social media. However, the company actually does not have an official Instagram. I think that creating one would be beneficial for the company, especially if they used it to feature travel destinations. They could also use it to promote driving facts and new information.

I created a sample image, using an overlay that the company could use to brand their summer campaign.


To keep all imagery consistent, I made sure to place the logo on all materials and always use the same font, Bebas Neue Regular. I also used sunny, fun and attractive imagery. The hashtag I created, #ExpectSummer, could be used on Instagram and Twitter.

As for another social media channel I would recommend, I would choose to implement a company Tumblr. The company does have a travel blog, but it is a bit outdated and disorganized. A company’s Tumblr seamlessly blends in among regular user posts, and AAA could use one to create a revamped travel blog.

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